HumiPyc model 1
- True density measurements of solids (e.g. fine powders, foams, etc).
- Determination of density at precise relative humidity and temperature values (with RH probe)
- Filter integrity tester - bubble point and pressure decay tests (with ancillary hardware)
- RH sensor calibrator (with saturated salt solutions)
- Determination of RH atmosphere over different mixtures, solutions
- Outgassing of samples using vacuum to a specified RH value or other conditions
- Remote control from PC for working with dangerous samples (under the hood)
Design highlights:
- Manual and Automatic operation (Windows based software)
- Progressive gas pressurization and depressurization (nano-powders,
- Dual reference chamber for the largest range of volume measurements
- Relative humidity and temperature measurements inside the sample chamber
- 24-bit data acquisition, high accuracy and excellent repeatability
- Pressure regulator and gauge (at the back panel of the instrument)
- Superior for foam density measurements (ASTM D6226-05)
- Variety of ancillary hardware for other applications, e.g. for filter integrity
(largest pore sizes), RH probe calibrations,
- Small size and mass, portable
- Designed for easy customization to fulfill application specific requirements
- Sophisticated and interactive software for experiment design and control
(our software is compatible with 64-bit Windows® operating system)
- All experimental data are recorded and transferable (macro) to Excel.  
  • Volumetric density measurements using pressure range from vacuum to 50 psi (345 kPa)
    and temperature range from sub ambient to 50C, with parallel relative humidity (RH) data
  • RH analysis in the pressure and temperature range, sorption and kinetic data from
    multiple headspace extraction
  • Designed especially for true density measurements of fine powders and foams
  • Bubble Point and Pressure Decay Methods for characterization of filters /membranes  
The most versatile gas (helium) pycnometers available; with many options, software compatible with 64-bit
Windows® operating system, and for every budget.
Design highlights:
- Integration of automatic and manually operated pycnometer into one system
- Integrated  temperature control
- Continuous flow of gas in and out of sample chamber
- Relative Humidity (RH) and temperature measurements inside the sample
- Vacuum port (standard in all models)
- 24-bit data acquisition, high accuracy pressure transducer
- Independent precision pressure regulation
- Auto Mode (Windows® operating system) and Manual mode of operation
- Sophisticated and interactive software for experiment design and control
- Macro transferring data to Excel for additional analysis
- All experimental data recorded and available to the user
    - Many capabilities in one instrument, high accuracy, and precision
    - Volume and density data obtained at precisely defined temperature, pressure, and
      RH conditions
    - Dual reference chamber for the largest range of volume measurements
    - No sample elutriation during treatment and analysis, designed for fine powders
    - Any sample holder up to about 2" (52mm) O.D., and 2" (52mm) Height
    - Elimination of shortcomings of other pycnometers that use only On/Off valves
    - Ability of incorporating of additional sensors
    - Multiple headspace extraction capabilities
    - Determination of RH atmosphere caused by solids, liquids, or slurries
    - Availability of equilibration profiles vs. time data for kinetic and sorption studies
    - Foam density measurements (open cell content, other characterizations)
    - Very low cost
    - Small size, (8.7" x 11.4" x 19") 22cm x 29cm x 43cm
  • Determination of actual performance of gas pycnometer vs. quoted specifications... review
Gas (Helium) Pycnometer
Review accessories for our gas pycnometers.  
Gas Pycnometer Calibration Kit
Powerful research idea:
HumiPyc™  Model 1
Technical Notes
  • Especially designed for measurements of cement fineness where Blaine apparatus according to ASTM C 204 – 07 method  is typically used.
  • Software allows calculation of surface area of powders (packed-beds) using Carman-Kozeny equation.
  • True density, porosity, and gas permeability specific surface area of powders can be measured by a single instrument and ... more on PSSA page and Permeametry page.
HumiPyc™  Model 2
Sample Holders for Ultra-Fine Materials
InstruQuest Inc. Scientific Instruments R&D
2004 -2021 Copyright © InstruQuest, Inc. All rights reserved.
Basic theory of gas expansion pycnometer operation, general description of pycnometer applications and practical hints
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