HumiPyc Model 2C (Cement) Gas Pycnometer
HumiPyc _Foam
Similar functionality of Blaine air-permeability apparatus, which is used for cement fineness determination as per ASTM C204-7 method, has been added to the versatile gas (helium)
pycnometer design. Simultaneous measurements of density, porosity, and air (gas) permeability of a packed bed in one experiment  can be carried out  automatically, conveniently, and without
restricted substances, like mercury. Since specific surface area obtained from gas permeability measurements correlates with results of other methods, similar classes of powders can be
characterized easily and inexpensively by comparison with accepted standard(s) whose surface area is known (or agreed upon).

The available gas volume  in the pycnometer chambers is known and the volume of gas  passing from one pressure level to another can be easily determined and the time interval measured.
Knowing the geometrical  volume of the cement (or other powder)  bed and the true volume determined by pycnometer, porosity can be calculated. Since temperature of the test is also known,
the air (gas) viscosity is easily calculated. Various forms of the equations employed in the C204 method can be utilized to obtained the specific surface area
Complete solution for measurements of  cement fineness, porosity, and density using automatic gas pycnometer.
Design features:
-  Fully automated operation via PC
-  Novel software approach  for experiment design and convenience of operation
-  Ability to set low pressures  and carry out accurate measurements using 24-bit resolution ADC
-  True gas purge using a separate exhaust (Flow through the sample technology)
-  Incorporation of  gas-permeability cell design into the gas (helium) pycnometer
-  Specific (optional) hardware for other analytical capabilities
InstruQuest Inc. Scientific Instruments R&D
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