To reduce errors in determination of physical volume measurements of a foam sample, additional hardware for cutting exact shapes can be provided.
HumiPyc Model 2F (Foam) Pycnometer - Complete solution for measurements of foams volume (density)
Software compatible with 64-bit Windows® operating systems
Foam Cutting Table available as optional equipment
Volume cube adapter
The adjustable foam-cutting table was designed for cutting various rectangular shapes using a thin blade knife. Geometrical dimensions can
be easily measured using a high quality digital caliper.
(Precise cylindrical shapes, especially from foam sheets can be cut using special hole saws with knife-edge. To obtain best results, the user
may employ additional equipment (like drill press) and ensure all the safety measures).
The first volume measurement of the whole foam sample using a gas pycnometer yields the uncorrected volume which is only accurate for
predominantly open-cell structures. To obtain correction for closed cells that were cut during the foam sample preparation, the original specimen is cut
into pieces to expose additional closed cells (proportional to surface area) and the foam pieces are measured again.
From the geometric volume, and the first and second pycnometric runs, parameters like porosity, percentages of closed and opened cells can be
calculated. The foam calculator available in newer software versions facilitates these easy calculations.
The gas pycnometer also allows foam volume (density) measurements at programmable pressure levels and the results can serve for further
characterization of foams (e.g. compressibility, recovery from compression).
For flat foam samples primarily designed for filtering, bubble point pressure (largest pore(s)) can be determined using additional hardware.
Design features:
- Fully automated operation via PC
- Novel software approach for experiment design and convenience of operation
- Ability to set low pressures to avoid foam distortion and carry out accurate measurements using 24-bit resolution
- True gas purge using a separate exhaust (similar design as in the cement density and fineness
(specific surface area determination technique ( Permeametry)
- The foam sample can be purged to specific relative humidity value using optional RH probe.
- Specific (optional) hardware for other analytical capabilities
Measurement of true density, porosity, percentages of open-cell / closed-cell of foams plays important role in development and quality control
of various properties of the cellular materials. Characterization of foams presents its own challenges and the highest performance gas
pycnometers and dedicated accessories need to be used. The enhanced and optimized HumiPyc Gas (Helium) Pycnometers with dedicated
hardware are superior tools for foams characterizations.
Standard test methods for foam open cell content, like ASTM D6226 or ISO 4590 stipulate specific shapes and sizes of foam samples.
To optimize the foam volume determinations results, volume reducing adapters accepting cubes or cylindrical shapes can be provided.
InstruQuest Inc. Scientific Instruments R&D
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