- Controlled relative humidity source for study processes at
different moisture, temperature, and pressure conditions
- Evaluation of distribution of RH and temperature gradients in chambers
- Gravimetric moisture sorption systems
- Forward flow method through filters, beds at flow rates with
- Instrumentation measuring Water Vapor Transport Rate (WVTR)
- Maintenance of precise moisture conditions in environmental
- RH source for calibration and verification of relative humidity sensors
- Easy interfacing with larger analytical setups (DMA, DMTA, TGA,
X-Ray diffractometer, etc.)
- Pressurized applications, typically up to 1.5 Bar (25psi) above
Operational Schematic of HumiSys HF
- To facilitate interfacing of the RH generator to existing setups, we offer selections of hardware equipment and customization (often without any additional
cost) to best address the application(s). Operational parameters, like flow, temperature, pressure, RH range, distance between the RH Generator and
the test chamber, port sizes, etc., are helpful.
- To review additional relative humidity generators V-Gen model 2- Dew Point / RH Generator, and V-Gen model 1- Dew Point Generator,
please click this link
Design Features:
-Three mass flow controllers (MFC) – fast response
-Large range of flow range – up to 50 L/min
-Can be used as a regular RH generator or as a low RH (ppm region) RH
-RH from low 0 to 100% ( two MFC) and low ppm to thousands of ppm
(three MFC)
-Saturator temperature up to 60C for regular temperature range
-One or two digital RH probes (RH and temperature data)
-External temperature probe (RTD based)
-Automatic water supply system
-Heated transfer hose
-Precision pressure regulator and gauge
-Open design for easy interfacing with other equipment
-Auto/Manual operation
-USB or serial port for data transfer
-Windows based software for experiment design and control
(Our software is compatible with 64-bit Windows® system)
-Low cost
New series of superior relative humidity (RH) Generators that were deigned for easy interfacing with other analytical instruments that would benefit from carrying out measurements at precisely controlled RH conditions. Several modes of RH control are available depending on selection and location of sensors. Mass flow controllers (MFC) are used for fast response.
Versatile and fully automatic RH generator designated for low flow rates and was
specifically designed for easy interfacing with other analytical equipment of
relatively small sample chambers. (e.g X-ray equipment, TGA, DMA, IR
analyzers, etc).
HumiSys HF (high flow)
The HumiSys HF RH generator employs divided-flow (split-flow) technique and
utilizes two mass flow controllers for fast response. In the main mode of operation,
one RH probe is used for RH control and is usually placed inside the user chamber.
The second (optional) RH probe can be placed at any user-defined location for
verification of RH and temperature uniformity. In cases where RH probe cannot be
installed inside the user chamber, a miniature RH probe can be placed inside the
HumiSys HF generator and the temperature of the user chamber can be monitored
by the (optional) temperature probe (RTD based).
HumiSys PPM
Design Features:
-Fully automatic, PC software for all Windows based operating systems
-Flow rates: 1 or 2L/min, others like 0.5L or 5 L/min can be accommodated for special
-Fast response (use of mass flow controllers)
-Full range of RH ( upper end can be limited at highest flow rates and temperatures,
or sensor specifications)
-Temperature range: From subambient to 50C (standard) or to 90 C (extended)
-Pressure range from ambient to several psi overpressure (regular) or up to 20 psig
for pressurized applications.
-Single or dual RH probes
-External temperature probe
-Heated transfer hose
-Automatic water supply for long unattended operation
-Easy accommodation of special RH needs
HumiSys MF (medium flow)
HumiSys XR (extended range)
The Humisys XR RH generator featuring fully automatic and manual mode was
designed for extending full range of RH generation down to 0 C and allowing larger
range of RH in subzero C region then it is commonly available using other humidity
generatores. Combination of of two-temperature and divided-flow techniques is
emploeyd. Embedding of precision RH probe in the condensor housing that
controlls the temperature of the humidified stream from the first stage of the
two-temperature method allows for generating very low dew points in combination
of the divided flow technique in the second stage. External RH probe and external
temperature probe (RTD based) are very useful in easy interfacing with other
analytical instruments.
Design Features:
-Two mass flow controllers (MFC) – fast response
-Low range of flow – up to 500 cc/min
-RH from 0 to 100%
-Saturator temperature up to 90C
-External temperature probe (RTD based)
-One or two digital RH probes (RH and temperature data)
-Automatic water supply system
-Peltier module based cooling for enhanced performance
-Heated transfer hose
-Precision pressure regulator and gauge
-Open design for easy interfacing with other equipment
-Auto/Manual operation
-USB or serial port for data transfer
-Windows based software for experiment design and control
(Our software is compatible with 64-bit Windows® system)
-Split-flow option - flow rates down to few cc/min
Relative Humidity Generators
Design Features:
-Combination of two-temperature and divided flow techniques
(two mass flow controllers)
-Extended RH spectrum in the near zero and sub-zero C
temperatures region
-Upper temperature 60C for standard models
-Flow rate - typically up to 1 L/min
-Heated transfer hose
-External temperature probe (RTD based)
-Automatic water supply system
-Auto/Manual operation
-Automatic water supply system
-Precision pressure regulator and gauge
-Open design for easy interfacing with other equipment
-Internal and external RH probe (RH and temperature data)
-Auto/Manual operation
-USB or serial port for data transfer
-Windows based software for experiment design and control
(Our software is compatible with 64-bit Windows® system)
-Very low cost
Design Features:
-Two mass flow controllers (MFC) – fast response
-Large range of flow range – up to 50 L/min (typical MFC ranges)
-RH from 0 to 100%
-Saturator temperature up to 95C for extended temperature models
-One or two digital RH probes (RH and temperature data)
-External temperature probe (RTD based)
-Can accept additional sensors (0-5VDC)
-Automatic water supply system
-Heated transfer hose
-Models for higher pressure e.g. 20 psig are available.
-Precision pressure regulator and gauge
-Open design for easy interfacing with other equipment
-Auto/Manual operation
-USB or serial port for data transfer
-Windows based software for experiment design and control.
(Our software is compatible with 64-bit Windows® system)
-Very low cost
HumiSys LF (low flow)
The HumiSys MF is a medium flow range version of the HumiSys HF (High FLow) RH
Generator. Peltier based cooling system allows for enhancing low RH spectrum,
especially for ambient temperatures (and below) applications that require humidified
stream of low relative humidity. Custom RH requirements can be easily adopted.
Designed for easy interfacing with other analytical equipment where higher flow rates are
needed then in the HumiSys LF (Low Flow) or V-Gen RH Generators.
The HumiSys PPM is a new version of HumiSys HF (high flow) RH generator that was
developed for fast and trace moisture generation in the low ppm to thousands of ppm
region. The triple mass flow controller design combined with added cooling
capabilities (Peltier module) allows operation in the low RH region that is normally too
difficult to achieve using a typical divided-flow technique employing two MFC. Two
MFC of low flow rates and one RH probe are used for generating the humidified
stream of known RH, temperature, and flow rate. The third MFC of higher flow rate is
utilized for dilution of the stream.
InstruQuest Inc. Scientific Instruments R&D
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